The star of State Farm's 'she shed' commercial says strangers now recognize her on the street and ke

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  • The actress who starred in State Farm's viral "she shed" commercial says the ad has changed her life.
  • Nicole J. Butler wrote a HuffPost essay explaining that strangers often recognize her, yell "SHE SHED!" at her on the street, and even approach her with theories about who burned down her she shed.
  • The ad features a character named Cheryl who calls State Farm to check whether she's insured for the outdoor "she shed" burning down in front of her and her husband, Victor.
  • The prevailing fan theory is that Victor burned down the she shed.
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The viral State Farm commercial that prompted fiery internet debates over who burned down "Cheryl's" "she shed" has changed the life of the woman who starred in it.

Actress Nicole J. Butler wrote a HuffPost essay explaining that she's appeared in dozens of commercials before, but was never widely recognized until she became "She Shed Cheryl."

"I'm even getting used to having 'SHE SHED!' yelled at me," Butler wrote. "It once made me want to pull my hat down over my eyes and hide. Now it makes me giggle. The bottom line is: I'm in a hit commercial that makes folks happy and I'm honored to be a part of their joy."

The beloved commercial has been airing regularly since early 2018, and has racked up more than 1 million views on YouTube. The ad features a character named Cheryl who calls State Farm to check whether she's insured for the outdoor "she shed" burning down in front of her.

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In an exchange that captured the hearts of viewers across the country, Cheryl's husband Victor half-heartedly tries to convince her that no one burned down her she shed, and that it was struck by lightning.

Looking forlorn and clutching a slow-dripping hose, Victor says, "That's wonderful news" as Cheryl explains State Farm is covering her she shed and she can build a new one.

Butler says fans tell her they want a sequel to the commercial

Butler says before she saw the commercial's script, she never knew what a she shed was. She had to look up the term and scroll through examples on Pinterest, discovering it was essentially the "female equivalent of a 'man cave.'"

"Moments before, I hadn't even known that she sheds were a thing and now, to my artsy eye, they'd become #goals," Butler wrote.

The most common theory from fans holds that Victor burned down Cheryl's she shed. YouTube/State Farm Insurance

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But fans have focused less on the shed, and more on various conspiracy theories over Victor's role in the fire. The prevailing theory holds that Victor deliberately burned down Cheryl's treasured retreat.

Butler said strangers often stop her on the street to ask who burned it down, and she even joined Reddit so she could participate in one such discussion.

"Stumbled upon this by accident, and it's HILARIOUS!❤️" she wrote in the thread. "Love all of these theories."

Butler wrote in her essay that friends and family members send her memes and screenshots of the commercial daily, and she's even heard people raise the possibility of petitioning State Farm to shoot a sequel, or even start a she-shed sitcom with Cheryl and Victor.

"It seems that everyone wants to know what Cheryl's new she shed will look like. To be perfectly honest, so do I," Butler wrote.

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