Things started to go awry shortly after Jill's water broke and she tested positive for Strep B, a common bacteria that moms can pass on to their babies during birth. She started taking antibiotics for this via an IV. She labored on for 20 hours, with contractions just one minute apart, until she "saw a faint stain of meconium (the earliest waste of an unborn infant, often a sign of fetal distress) and decided it was time to move to the hospital."
"I was praying to God to give me strength," she tells the mag. "I was really scared and nervous, but I was praying."
Jill initially said no to pain meds, but after 70 hours in labor, baby Israel had flipped into a breech position, where he was experiencing irregular heart rates. At this point, the mom-to-be and Derick, 26, listened to the doctors' concerns and agreed to move forward with an emergency C-section. It was only then that Israel was delivered, weighing in at 9 lbs., 10 oz.